Etz Chaim Kenya is part of the greater body of the Messiah Yeshua. Each Believer born of the Spirit is an integral part of the "body of Believers (Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:22; Hebrews 12:23). God dwells in us through the Holy Spirit, providing us with all that is necessary for the fulfillment of the "Great Commission.” God’s purpose concerning man is to seek and to save that which is lost, to be worshipped by man, and to build a body of Believers into the image of His Son.

Our priorities and reason-for-being are as follows:

  1. We as a congregation of Believers in Messiah Yeshua purpose the salvation of both Jews and Gentiles, in our community, country and throughout the world.
  2. We have chosen to conduct our services in a manner that represents, as closely as possible, first century Messianic Judaism worship (The Way). To make a place where both unsaved Jew and Gentile will feel comfortable and at home and ultimately find their Savior and Messiah Yeshua; a place where saved Jews and non-Jews can worship together as one.
  3. We desire to instruct Believers, both Jewish and non-Jewish, in the Word of God and in the biblical Jewish roots of the Christian faith. We aim to accomplish this through the practicing and teaching of the Biblical Feasts and traditions relating to them, in the cultural and historical context of the Brit Chadasha (Renewed Covenant).
  4. We look to foster the spiritual growth of both Jew and non-Jew who have already asked Messiah Yeshua into their lives and have joined with our congregation, through Shabbat services, Bible study, fellowship and educational programs.
  5. We purpose to teach our children in the way they should go, by providing child orientated Messianic Jewish Shabbat school and other child centered biblical Messianic education programs.
  6. We seek to provide Messianic fellowship for those of like precious faith, where the Holy Spirit may be honored according to our distinctive testimony.
  7. We assume our share of responsibility and privilege of propagating the Gospel of Messiah Yeshua by all available means, to all peoples, both at home and in foreign lands.